Package: eseis 0.8.0

eseis: Environmental Seismology Toolbox

Environmental seismology is a scientific field that studies the seismic signals, emitted by Earth surface processes. This package provides all relevant functions to read/write seismic data files, prepare, analyse and visualise seismic data, and generate reports of the processing history.

Authors:Michael Dietze [cre, aut, trl], Christoph Burow [ctb], Sophie Lagarde [ctb, trl], Clement Hibert [ctb, aut]

eseis.pdf |eseis.html
eseis/json (API)

# Install 'eseis' in R:
install.packages('eseis', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

Uses libs:
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3
  • rockfall_eseis - Seismic trace of a rockfall event.
  • rockfall_t - Seismic trace of a rockfall event.
  • rockfall_z - Seismic trace of a rockfall event.
  • s - Seismic traces of a small earthquake
  • t - Seismic traces of a small earthquake



4.42 score 9 stars 59 scripts 383 downloads 92 exports 55 dependencies

Last updated 3 months agofrom:3b56f6a8b8. Checks:9 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 23 2025
R-4.5-win-x86_64OKJan 23 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64OKJan 23 2025
R-4.4-win-x86_64OKJan 23 2025
R-4.4-mac-x86_64OKJan 23 2025
R-4.4-mac-aarch64OKJan 23 2025
R-4.3-win-x86_64OKJan 23 2025
R-4.3-mac-x86_64OKJan 23 2025
R-4.3-mac-aarch64OKJan 23 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
eseis: Environmental Seismology Toolboxeseis-package eseis
Check structured seismic files for consistencyaux_checkfiles
Identify highest common sampling intervalaux_commondt
Get cube file informationaux_cubeinfo
Convert eseis object to ObsPy stream objectaux_eseisobspy
Fix corrupt miniseed filesaux_fixmseed
Load seismic data of a user-defined eventaux_getevent
Download seismic data from FDSN data baseaux_getFDSNdata
Query FDSN data base for stationsaux_getFDSNstation
Extract temperature data from cube files.aux_gettemperature
Download and/or read station XML fileaux_getxml
Perform H-V-spectral ratio analysis of a seismic data setaux_hvanalysis
Initiate an eseis objectaux_initiateeseis
Convert ObsPy object to eseis objectaux_obspyeseis
Reorganise seismic files recorded by Nanometrics Centaur loggersaux_organisecentaurfiles
Convert Datacube files and organise them in directory structureaux_organisecubefiles
Pick seismic events with a sensor network approachaux_picknetwork
Pick seismic events with a sensor network approach, parallel versionaux_picknetworkparallel
Calculate aggregated PSDs over long time periodsaux_psdsummary
Convert seismic signal to sound (sonification)aux_sonifysignal
Create multiple single-component files from multi-component filesaux_splitcubechannels
Create station info file from cube files.aux_stationinfofile
Seismic traces of a small earthquakeearthquake s t
Invert fluvial data set based on reference spectra cataloguefmi_inversion
Create reference model reference parameter cataloguefmi_parameters
Create reference model spectra cataloguefmi_spectra
Start GUI with seismic modelsgui_models
List library with data logger information.list_logger
List all header parameters of a sac file.list_sacparameters
List sensor library.list_sensor
Model source amplitude by amplitude-distance model fittingmodel_amplitude
Model the seismic spectrum due to bedload transport in riversmodel_bedload
Model the seismic spectrum due to hydraulic turbulencemodel_turbulence
Noise Cross Correlation routinencc_correlate
Estimate relativ wave velocity change (dv/v) by correlation stretchingncc_stretch
Signal correlation based event pickingpick_correlation
Kutosis based event pickingpick_kurtosis
Calculate stal-lta-ratio.pick_stalta
Plot three seismic components against each otherplot_components
Plot a correlogram from noise cross correlation analysisplot_correlogram
Create a comprehensive multi panel plot of a seismic waveformplot_event
Plot a probabilistic power spectral density estimate (PPSD)plot_ppsd
Plot a seismic signalplot_signal
Plot spectrograms (power spectral density estimates)plot_spectrogram
Plot a spectrum of a seismic signalplot_spectrum
Load seismic data from an archiveread_data
Download and import seismic data from an FDSN service providerread_fdsn
Read mseed files.read_mseed
Read sac files.read_sac
Seismic trace of a rockfall event.rockfall rockfall_eseis rockfall_t rockfall_z
Aggregate a signal vectorsignal_aggregate
Clip signal based on time vector.signal_clip
Calculate signal cross-correlation valuessignal_correlation
Cut signal amplitude at standard deviation-defined level.signal_cut
Deconvolve a signal vector.signal_deconvolve
Remove mean of signal vector.signal_demean
Detrend a signal vector.signal_detrend
Differentiate a signal vectorsignal_differentiate
Calculate signal envelope.signal_envelope
Fill NA-gaps of a signalsignal_fill
Filter a seismic signal in the time or frequency domainsignal_filter
Calculate Hilbert transform.signal_hilbert
Calculate h-v-ratio of seismic componentssignal_hvratio
Integrate a seismic signalsignal_integrate
Interpolate a signal vectorsignal_interpolate
Calculate signal kurtosissignal_kurtosis
Merge several signal streams into onesignal_merge
Calculate particle motion parameterssignal_motion
Pad signal with zeros.signal_pad
Rotate signal vectors using a 3-D rotation matrix.signal_rotate
Convert amplitude signal to one bit signed signalsignal_sign
Calculate signal-to-noise-ratio.signal_snr
Calculate spectrograms (power spectral density estimates) from time series.signal_spectrogram
Calculate the spectrum of a time seriessignal_spectrum
Calculate the short-time-average to long time average ratiosignal_stalta
Calculate signal statisticssignal_stats
Calculate signal vector sum.signal_sum
Taper a signal vector.signal_taper
Perform spectral whitening of a signal vectorsignal_whiten
Locate the source of a seismic event by modelling amplutide attenuationspatial_amplitude
Clip values of spatial data.spatial_clip
Convert coordinates between reference systemsspatial_convert
Crop extent of spatial data.spatial_crop
Calculate topography-corrected distances for seismic waves.spatial_distance
Migrate signals of a seismic event through a grid of locations.spatial_migrate
Locate signals of a seismic event by time difference parabola overlayspatial_parabola
Get most likely source locationspatial_pmax
Track a spatially mobile seismic sourcespatial_track
Aggregate a time seriestime_aggregate
Clip time vector.time_clip
Convert Julian Day to Date and vice versatime_convert
Convert time string to Julian Daytime_jd
Write seismic traces as mseed file to disk.write_mseed
Create a HTML report for (RLum) objectswrite_report
Write seismic traces as sac file to disk.write_sac