EMMAgeo 0.9.7 (2019-12-16)
- object class querying updated
- ID assignment bug fixed
- Stop message for zero-only column case added
- Class unit aissgnment and propagation bug fixed
EMMAgeo 0.9.6 (2019-05-17)
- GUI functionality corrected for other platforms
- classunit implementation also available for compact protocol
- plot output polished
- License and Readme information added
EMMAgeo 0.9.4 (2016-03-19)
- parameter name lw changed to l in all functions
- Function GUI() extended
- Function get.l.opt() added
- Function get.l() added
- Function get.limits() added
- Function get.q() added
- Function model.em() added
- Evaluation outpout of EMMA() extended
- Axes labels of EMMA() changed
- function create.sample() removed
- example data set changed
EMMAgeo 0.9.3
- Function GUI() added
- Standard EMMA() output significantly extended
- Multicore option added to test.parameters()
- Output of test.robustness() extended by mEt, mEm, mEn, mRm, mRn
- All code/documentation changed to Roxygen
- Some rephrasing of function documentations
- Code optimisation (parallelisation instead of loops)
- EM ID assignment bug fixed
- Bug removed (twisted plots of clos vs. rows)
- Bug in X_m calculation fixed, now matrix is rescaled
- Bug in EMMA() removed (wrongly set bracket in Vqs calculation)
- Minor bug fixes
EMMAgeo 0.9.2
- Function create.sample() was added
- Example data was enlarged to facilitate function examples
- Function lw.max() was added
EMMAgeo 0.9.1 (2013-10-14)
- Function mix.EM(): as.numeric() added to proportion parameter, to also support matrices as input
- Function EMMA(), test.lw(), test.L(): weight quantile calulation implemented as sapply() rather than separate function definition
- Function EMMA(), test.lw(), test.L(): parameters ls, Vqr, Vqn, Vqsn corrected for geometry (now: ls[2,m], Vq...[q,m])
- Function EMMA(): two redundant but convenient function values added: $loadings and $scores
- Function test.parameters(): y-axes limits set automatically to prevent false display of data
- Function test.lw(): test for valid EMMA()$Mqs matrix added
- Function lw-validity-test now supports scalars for lw
- Function define.limits() was added
EMMAgeo 0.9.0 (2013-06-21)